Khorasan International
Transport Cos. Associantion
Association's Objectives
Generally, the most important objectives of the association are as follows:
1- Establishing International Transportation sub-companies under the regulation of the association.
2- Protecting members' guild rights in all national and international remedies.
3- Drawing up and offering necessary suggestions as international transportation costs and subsidiary services of export, import and transit goods and other activities related to transportation.
4- Cooperating with related authorities in order to provide programs and required plans in connection with transportation considering the public interests and benefits.
5- Commenting on economic issues relating to transportation as well as issues about customs tariffs, foreign currency policy and offering useful plans and suggestion for state transportation to the concerned authorities.
6- Taking care of the received complaints and trying to resolve them by arbitration.
7- Causing the cooperation of all government authorities, related establishment, both natural and legal persons for corporate with the association in order to achieve goals of association
8- Referring agents to legal authorities as well as to all corporations that are somehow dealing with the association and attempt to arrange a meeting with them.
9- Trying to generate welfare, sport, cultural and financial facilities and consultation services for all members via establishing of finance, Credit Company and cooperate multipurpose and cooperative companies.> 10-Cooperating with related committees regarding joining international conventions as well as trying to execute customs convention for international road transportation of goods (Tir) and other conventions.
11 - Applying necessary strategies to prevent unfair competitions of members and binding them to observe all by-law and the association's approvals.
12-Setting up head office or offices in the country or abroad based on location and time requirements.
13-Setting up terminals and facilities for transportation and any kind of joint installation in the country and abroad as well as giving plans to concerned authorities.
14-Offering suggestions and opinions in order to provide the necessities of international transportation and necessary predictions in regulating expert, import and good transit laws.
15-Trying to organize a professional system conforming to the economic and social growth of the country.
16-Recommendating international transportation machinery protection of the company members according to international and current regulations and standards of the country in order to supply security and safety instrument to prevent possible risks and damages and decreasing environmental pollutions.
17-Struggling to enhance member's scientific and technical knowledge, especially in the field of international transportation by attending to international and national meetings and conventions.
18- Publishing the association's newsletters as per authorities' authorization, holding conference and seminar and offering training courses in order to update the publication international events and occurrences in the area of transportation